Are liquid antioxidant supplements better than tablets?

by Monica
(Edmonton, Alberta)

I've been told that liquid vitamins work better than tablets. They say you'll absorb them better because they're already in a liquid that the body needs. Is there one brand better than the other?

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Mar 26, 2010
Don't be fooled by people with only part of the information ;-)
by: Kristy Russ

Great question Monica! I get asked this a lot!

The short answer is that the opposite is actually true- tablets are better than liquids when you're talking about antioxidant supplements.

Here's why:
  1. The speed of absorption is irrelevant with supplements

    When discussing liquid vs. tablets, the only difference is how quickly it gets absorbed. It's true that everything has to be in solution first to get absorbed where it can do some good. A tablet only takes about 20-30 minutes to dissolve and then it's EXACTLY the same as a liquid as far as absorption goes. If you're talking painkillers, faster might be better. When you're talking supplements, it doesn't matter at all.

    This is where the quality of the supplement becomes important though. There is an alarming number of supplement tablets on the market that DON'T dissolve at all. If that happens, you're literally flushing your money down the toilet. I think this is how the whole "liquids are better" myth got started.

    That's why it's so important to choose a high quality supplement. One that meets pharmaceutical-grade standards is rare, but important. At least you know it's going to dissolve. Click here to learn more details about how to find such a supplement.

    Okay, that just tells you there's no difference. Why do I say that tablets are better than liquids?

  2. When it comes to antioxidant supplements, liquids are not as potent as tablets.

    The instant the seal is broken on the liquid bottle, air gets into it. What does air have in it? Oxygen. What happens when oxygen comes in contact with an antioxidant? It inactivates its antioxidant properties because it "uses it up". So a lot of the antioxidants are wasted taking the oxygen out of the air in the bottle. After about the 3rd or 4th day, there's not much antioxidant left in the liquid and now you just have really expensive juice. Most antioxidant juice products come in bottles with at least a 2 week supply, so you're not really getting what you're paying for. Obviously, the ingredients in a tablet have very little exposure to air because they're inside the tablet...

    The other drawback of juice supplements is that there's generally not a large variety of antioxidants because it's just one or two types of juices. Remember that antioxidants work WAY better together than separately, so the more the merrier! A high quality tablet antioxidant supplement will have a large variety of antioxidants so you get better protection.

    Again, you can learn everything you need to know about choosing a high quality antioxidant supplement by clicking here.

    Hope that clears up that myth for you.

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