This site will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about antioxidants. Translated from the medical/technical mumbo-jumbo into real language that you can understand.
That was the initial intent and focus of the website and it still is. What I've discovered over the years, however, is that people need more. I've watched people struggling to do "the right things", but still suffer from their health problems.
Because it's not really about information- I could give you ALL the information I have, but without the background knowledge to know what YOU need to do and when you need to do it, it's just as useless as all the wrong information out there.
Whether you’re living with a limiting health condition or you think it’s just because you’re getting older, know that change is possible and there IS a way out.
You can feel fabulous today and all the way through the rest of your tomorrows. In fact, that's normal.
Everyone’s situation is unique, however, so without knowing how to interpret your symptoms, you’re likely to just keep trying different solutions without getting the results you want.
Get your life back once and for all with Health Coaching by Kristy Russ, Licensed Pharmacist and Functional Medicine Health Coach. Offering the bridge between modern medicine and holistic wellness, her comprehensive education and expertise in functional medicine makes her one of the most effective personal health coaches. You’ll receive personalized and tailored programs that are designed to correct the underlying problems so you can finally reach your weight loss goals, get your energy back and not only feel better now, but help prevent future health problems.
The end result is lifelong excellent health that allows you to live your ideal life that you want and deserve.
Click here to go to my health coaching website
Click here to learn more about the Kristy Russ Difference
The Most Important Health Information I Know (but can't put on my site)
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