Antioxidants Were Responsible for my Relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis

by A. Mbabazi, MSc
(Uganda, East Africa)

I started suffering from rheumatoid arthritis 30 years ago in 1980. Since then I have had recurrent attacks, but not so often anymore because I made extensive research about how to manage it. There are some foods I therefore did away with and others I consume always i.e. fruits and vegetables, and I have been managing fairly well. I did not know that there are antioxidants in the fruits and vegetables and that it is them that improved my health, until recently, when I accessed your website.

However the problem flares up once in a while when I accidentally consume the wrong foods.

For example, in February this year I got a serious attack. I was scheduled to travel to British Columbia, Canada - a very long journey from here in Uganda, East Africa,with many connections in different countries. When I reached there, I was almost collapsing. I had too much excruciating pain and horrible burning inflammation in the liver, kidneys, all the spinal bones and the attached muscles, in the shoulder joints, as well as in the lungs. Breathing became too difficult and I was too ill. Even appetite vanished, worsened by strange meals of the Canadian west coast. I was to spend there a whole week attending an international conference and then return

Upon reaching home, the problem persisted and that's when I landed on your website as I did extensive internet research about how to manage the problem. I had ruled out using drugs, knowing that they could worsen the situation.

I enthusiastically read all the pages on your website and was convinced anti-oxidants could save me. So I bought Vit. A, Vit. C, and Vit. E. I also bought Iron chelated for I was so anemic. Further I bought Omega 3. In addition I started taking fruits in unusually large volume, together with the anti-oxidant supplements. Today, I can say that I am almost cured, courtesy of the power of antioxidants!

I would like to thank you so much for the info/ knowledge you availed me about the power of antioxidants, for it was through this info that I am now liberated from the effects of oxidative stress, which is caused by free radicals - the actual underlying cause of arthritis. I now preach the gospel of the power of antioxidants!

Best of health!

A. Mbabazi MSc (Public Health) London; PGD (Public Health) LSHTM (London)
East Africa

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Jun 30, 2011
by: Kristy Russ

I am so happy for you that you have gotten your quality of life back. I'm happy that I was able to help make that happen. It makes all the effort of putting this site together worthwhile.

Thanks for sharing your story- it may help even more...



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