This is the everything-you-need-to-know-to-be-as-healthy-as-possible newsletter, brought to you by Kristy Russ, pharmacist and health consultant. I have close to 20 years experience in helping people improve their health.
I help people get healthy, and more importantly, stay that way so they're not miserable and just slowly dying for the last 20 years of their lives, which IS the "norm" today.
For even more information go to
Well, the holiday season is almost over. So far I've enjoyed it immensely! I'm one of those oddballs that actually enjoys visiting all the friends and family and the general chaos that it brings. You know, I think it's because I just accept that it's going to be busy regardless, so you may as well make the most of it. (But that's a stress-busting strategy that I'll save for another day ;-)
What I know is on most people's minds right now is how to put the brakes on the holiday feasting and over-indulging. You KNOW you need to change your eating habits to stop the weight gain, get rid of the extra weight that has creeped on and to just be healthy, but what's the best way to do that?
Last week, I told you how you MUST eat low glycemic if you have any hope of losing weight, making cravings disappear and just being generally healthy. (Check it out if you missed it. A must-read if you're being tempted by the weight loss program ads that have started already...)
Unfortunately, the average "western" diet is VERY high glycemic, so it's hard to know where to start. That's what this e-zine is all about...
Tips for
Changing Your Diet
to Low Glycemic
After the last e-zine, I know you've all changed your diets to a healthy low glycemic way of eating now, right? (Don't worry, I wouldn't have expected it during the holidays ;-) For some of you, it might mean only making a few minor changes. For most people though, it's a complete overhaul of your diet. That can be a bit overwhelming.
Break it down into steps to make it more do-able:
- Get to know what foods are low glycemic
It makes it easier in a restaurant/grocery store when you have it in your mind what you should be eating.
The information is readily available in books or on the internet. Here are a couple of websites that give some comprehensive lists: and
What's the difference between Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load?
You may have come across these terms in your search.
Glycemic index is the measure of how quickly the food is converted into sugar. A low value is considered under 50.
Glycemic load is the glycemic index of a food multiplied by the total carbohydrate content as well, which takes into account portion size. So eating a small amount of a high glycemic index food like pasta might have the same effect on your sugar level as eating a lot of a low glycemic food like steel cut oatmeal.
A low glycemic load value is under 10. It's a more accurate measurement, but it's more difficult to calculate. To me, it's easier to remember which foods have a low glycemic index and use common sense for the rest. Keep the serving sizes of foods that have a higher carbohydrate content small (think sweet or starchy foods like breads, pastas and some fruits like bananas & melons).
- Go through your pantry and get rid of all the high glycemic foods
- Start your day with a low glycemic meal
DO NOT SKIP BREAKFAST! It messes up your whole sugar/insulin levels, which leads to cravings. Eat something low glycemic and your whole day will be set up for healthy eating.
Studies have shown that having 1 low glycemic meal will make your blood sugar more stable through the next 2 meals, even if there are some higher glycemic choices in those meals. That's right- if you eat an excellent breakfast you can "cheat" a little on lunch or supper sometimes.
- Have an honest look at your diet
Choose 1 or 2 of the worst offenders and get rid of those or replace them with healthy low glycemic foods. Keep doing that every week and pretty soon you've eliminated them all and you're left with a low glycemic diet.
- Watch your health and energy improve and the extra weight drop!
And pat yourself on the back for making the change!
Disclaimer: This stepped approach may not work for everyone
Remember the glycemic rollercoaster I told you about in the last e-zine? You know, the one responsible for your cravings and energy crashes? Well, sometimes it's necessary to cut out high glycemic foods "cold turkey". Otherwise, you're just constantly fighting cravings and it will be impossible to change your diet.
Really. Studies have actually shown that having 1 high glycemic meal will affect your cravings for up to 2 days later!
How do you change your diet cold turkey?
You may find a product called "Reset" very helpful. It's a 5 day program to rid you of the glycemic craving cycle. You replace everything you eat with low glycemic, high fiber, nutritionally balanced shakes and bars, as well as high quality nutritional supplements. At the end of the 5 days, you have lots of energy and you're not having cravings anymore! Most people even lose a few pounds by the end of the 5 days (average weight loss is 5 pounds).
If you're having problems "converting" your diet to low glycemic, this could be just the thing you need. Many people carry on having a shake for their breakfast indefinitely- they taste great, it's quick and easy, AND the low glycemic meal sets up your day for more low glycemic choices!
You can order the Reset kit here
If weight loss is your goal...
To help you lose weight PERMANENTLY and make this the last weight loss "diet" you'll ever need, I developed an on-line support program to give you all the information you need to make this change. Let's face it- it's a whole new way of eating than we were raised. The program basically makes it goof-proof and has been extremely successful for those who have done it.
Click here to find out all about my PERMANENT weight loss program.
It may require a bit of work and commitment to change to low glycemic eating, but the lifetime health benefits are definitely worth it!
Another Grateful Customer...
"I found your Healthy For Life Reset program extremely easy to do and can easily see carrying on the principles for a lifetime. I was terrible for not eating breakfast and now I never skip it. I know exactly what I’m having and how long it takes to get ready. Even lunch at work is easy. I really liked that I could watch the videos at my convenience.
I also liked that the information is grouped so that you aren’t thrown too much at once. There is an awful lot of research that goes into the programs and, because the videos are designed carefully, I feel I was able to retain more of the information.
Because I am feeling so much better, I can’t see ever wanting to go back to my old ways."
Stephen H.
What's the Healthy For Life Reset program?
Find out by watching the video here.
Because Laughter Really IS Good Medicine...
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this zine and tell me what you think!
See you next time...
Good Health to You,
Kristy Russ, BScPharm
Pharmacist and Health Consultant
P.S. Discover the secret of "true prevention". You'll not only feel better now, but you'll also have that quality of life in the future that you've always imagined for yourself. Click here to find out more.